Aesthetic Facial Ocular & Plastic Sugery Cente
Aesthetic Facial Ocular & Plastic Sugery Cente
Frank Christensen, MD
100 Europa Drive
Suite 255
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Tel: 919-933-1294
The Center is a unique facility that specializes in the treatment and surgery of only one area of the body - YOUR FACE - the part of your body that defines to others who you are. At the Aesthetic Facial and Ocular Plastic Surgery Center, your facial appearance and function are our only concern. When you experience problems, diseases of trauma to your facial or ocular area, you want the very best care available. Likewise, when you make the decision to seek a cosmetic procedure to enhance your appearance, you want a physician you can trust.
Functional Procedures Cosmetic Procedures Thyroid Eye Disease
Lid Malposition Forehead Elevation (Browlift) Orbital Decompression
Ptosis Facelift (Rhytidectomy) Orbital Expansion
Lid Retraction Neck Lift Fat Removal
Lid Laxity (Entropion, Ectropion) Cheek Lift Diplopia-Muscle Restriction
Trauma Mid-Face Lift Lid Retraction
Tumors - Masses Thermage Face Lift
Socket Abnormalities Liposuction
Orbital Pathology Restylane® Injections
Lacrimal (Tearing) Fat Injections
Thyroid Eye Disease Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)